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Trees & Shrubs

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (Porterweed)
Quantity in Basket: none
Code: Stajam
Price: $0.00

Shipping Weight: 0.00 pounds
Verbenaceae. Zones 10-11. Extremely attractive to butterflies, this Florida native is one of our finest ornamental perennials. Very sensitive to frost, it is usually killed back close to the ground but returns reliably, even into zone 9. Under ideal conditions, can grow to six feet tall, developing a shrubby aspect. Blooms are long, slender spikes of blue-purple and last until frost. Foliage is also attractive, somewhat ruffled and shiny. Loves sun and humidity. Will self-seed close to the mother plant. Can be easily grown as a container specimen and will greatly enhance your summer butterfly garden.